Tue 2-July-2024

Zaher Jabarin: We have no choice but resistance

Monday 1-July-2024


The head of Hamas Movement in the West Bank, Zaher Jabarin, said, “We have no choice but resistance because the other option is surrender, and we will not surrender.”

In a televised interview, Jabarin stressed that “every occupation throughout history has been defeated,” highlighting the fact that the “Israeli occupation is not more powerful than the United States, France, and Britain.”

He stressed that “the Israeli occupation and those who support it are deluded by believing they can defeat the Palestinian people.”

He underlined that the “true secret behind the resistance’s victories lies in the Palestinian factions’ unity,” calling on the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah movement not to follow the “mirage of peace”.

Jabarin stressed that “Hamas is prepared to reach an agreement that leads to a complete and comprehensive cessation of the war in the Gaza Strip,” calling on “the international community to oblige Israel to stop its ongoing war crimes that run contrary to international laws and conventions.”

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