Tue 2-July-2024

IOF arrests 18 Palestinians in the West Bank

Tuesday 2-July-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested 18 Palestinians after breaking into several areas in the West Bank at dawn on Tuesday.

In al-Khalil, the Israeli forces stormed Al-Samu’ town and arrested two young men after breaking into and violently searching their family houses.

The Israeli forces also set up several military checkpoints at the entrances to the city and its neighboring towns and closed a number of main and secondary roads with iron gates, cement cubes, and earth mounds.

The IOF also detained two brothers in Nablus, and two young men in Silat Al-Dhahr and Al-Fandakumiya towns, south of Jenin.

Violent raids were also reported in Al-Zababdeh and Raba towns in Jenin.

In Ramallah, the Israeli forces arrested two young men after storming their family houses in Silwad town.

Similar raids were also reported in Beit Ur al-Tahta and Sinjil towns in Ramallah and the Jabal al-Tawil neighborhood in Al-Bireh.

Meanwhile, the IOF rounded up ten Palestinians in different areas of Bethlehem, including a 17-year-old teen.

On the other hand, Palestinian resistance fighters confronted the Israeli military raids in several areas in the West Bank early on Tuesday.

Local sources reported that resistance fighters used live fire and homemade explosive devices to address an IOF violent raid into Nablus, al-Khalil, and Jenin.

Violent clashes erupted in Beit Ummar town, north of al-Khalil, while several people were injured in the Al-Arroub camp raid.

Tulkarem also witnessed armed clashes, which resulted in the death of an Israeli soldier.

Violent clashes were also reported in Occupied Jerusalem.

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