Sun 8-September-2024

Hammad: Netanyahu repeats the same series of lies about Israel’s ongoing crimes

Saturday 27-July-2024


Hamas official Dr. Fathi Hammad said that Benjamin Netanyahu, repeated, in his speech before the US Congress, the same series of lies and false slanders voiced since October 7. Netanyahu relayed a fabricated narrative riddled with misleading claims about the war on Gaza “amidst a crowd of representatives who do not differ from him,” Hammad added.

The member of Hamas political bureau said in a statement on Saturday, “Netanyahu excels at lying, while he failed politically, militarily and at the intelligence level on October 7. He rather replied by killing civilians, committing crimes of genocide against armless people in the Gaza Strip, and using them as human shields in front of military tanks and heavily armed soldiers in an attempt to cover up his shameful defeat.”

He pointed out that “Netanyahu chose to kill Israeli captives in Gaza through deliberate shelling “to evade paying for their release, while uncaring about their lives or fates, as all that matters to him is his political future.”

The Hamas official affirmed that “Our great people, despite all the gross losses, will not submit or surrender. The Palestinian resistance will always remain strong and resilient, as resistance leaders and fighters are always in the field defending their homeland and protecting their people.”

Hammad called on the free people of the world to expose Israel and its criminal leaders, stressing that the resistance will continue to confront the occupation “until the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, and the establishment of our Palestinian state on every inch of soil of historic Palestine.”

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