Mon 9-September-2024

UNOSAT: The debris of Gaza war is 14 times more than all debris of other conflicts since 2008

Friday 2-August-2024


The recent conflict in the Gaza Strip has produced a volume of debris that is 14 times greater than the combined total from all conflicts over the past 16 years, the United Nations Satellite Center (UNOSAT) said in a new report.

The analysis, using satellite imagery analysis provided by UNOSAT, offers a detailed view of the extensive destruction and its implications for debris management.

UNOSAT’s latest damage building assessment, based on satellite imagery from July 6, 2024, and updated building footprints from May 2023, reveals that 151,265 structures have been affected in the Gaza Strip.

Of these, 30% were destroyed, 12% severely damaged, 36% moderately damaged, and 20% possibly damaged, representing approximately 63% of the total structures in the region.

For each square meter in the Gaza Strip, this recent analysis estimates that 114 kilograms of debris were generated.

The impact on civilian infrastructure is evident, with thousands of homes and essential facilities being damaged.

Earlier, the UN said that clearing the Gaza Strip of the rubble caused by the deadly Israeli offensive will take about 15 years.

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