Mon 9-September-2024

Palestinian NGOs: Aid trucks to Gaza decreased by 60%

Saturday 3-August-2024


The Palestinian NGO Network warned of the increasing repercussions of the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip amid the escalating Israeli aggression against civilians in the Strip and the restricted access to humanitarian aid.

The NGO network confirmed in a statement that it monitored a significant decrease in the number of aid convoys to the Gaza Strip during July by nearly 60 percent compared to April, before Rafah border crossing was closed.

The network explained that even before the closure of the Rafah crossing, the humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip were catastrophic, with only 200 trucks allowed into the Strip.

The network pointed to the rapid spread of famine, thirst, epidemics, and diseases, especially among children and women, and the worsening health conditions of patients and the wounded due to the closure of the Rafah crossing, which puts their lives at real risk.

The network noted that Israel has been preventing the entry of various kinds of food and personal hygiene products for weeks, despite the severe shortage of water, and the spread of waste and sewage amid high temperatures, which exacerbates the health conditions of the sick and wounded people in Gaza and threatens their lives.

The NGO network held the Israeli occupation authorities fully responsible for the repercussions of the ongoing aggression and the siege on the Gaza Strip, stressing the need to hold the Israeli occupation officials accountable for their crimes against humanity.

The network called for taking urgent and serious action to stop the Israeli aggression and open the crossings for the entry of aid into the besieged Gaza Strip.

The network called for the acceleration of the entry of specialized medical teams to help the medical personnel working in Gaza hospitals, in addition to the entry of medicines and medical equipment and supplies, stressing the need to urgently evacuate the patient and the wounded for receiving treatment abroad.

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