Thu 12-September-2024

Deir Al-Balah municipality warns of profound humanitarian crises due to forced displacement

Sunday 18-August-2024


The municipality of Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip warned that the recent decision of the Israeli occupation army to forcibly evacuate a number of neighborhoods in the city of Deir Al-Balah, as well as its request to evacuate some areas in the central and southern parts of the Strip, will result in numerous humanitarian crises.

It explained that the reduction of the humanitarian area in the south from 30 kilometers to 20 kilometers has led to a terrible overcrowding and a frightening congestion of the residents in a narrow strip amid the intense heat, resulting in diseases and epidemics.

It pointed out that the number of displaced persons in the city of Deir Al-Balah has reached unprecedented numbers, reaching close to one million displaced persons distributed over about 200 shelters, making Deir Al-Balah the region with the highest absorption of displaced persons throughout history and globally compared to its area.

The municipality confirmed the lack of places for the displaced to take refuge, with the narrowness of the area designated by the occupation army as a humanitarian zone, forcing them to wander aimlessly in the streets and roads.

It declared its inability to provide the required services to the residents due to the fact that several wells and water tanks are out of service because they are located in the area that the occupation army ordered to be evacuated, as these facilities provided 60% of the water supply, which will result in great difficulty in obtaining water, especially in these high-temperature conditions.

The municipality also confirmed the accumulation of waste in the streets and roads, and in the shelters, due to the inability of the municipality’s vehicles to reach the designated landfill, which is located in the area that the occupation army ordered to be evacuated, which will result in the spread of epidemics and diseases, especially with the discovery of the first case infected with the polio virus.

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