Thu 12-September-2024

Hamas: The Palestinians are victims of ongoing Zionist terrorism for seven decades

Thursday 22-August-2024


The Hamas Movement said “while the United Nations and the world celebrate the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism on August 21, our Palestinian people are still being subjected to the most heinous war of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and systematic destruction of all aspects of human life in the Gaza Strip.”

“Israeli massacres have been ongoing for ten months, during which more than 40,000 people were killed, most of them were women and children, more than 93,000 others were wounded in addition to more than 10,000 missing under the rubble and thousands kidnapped and detained in Israeli prisons and detention centers, amidst international failure to stop the Zionist entity’s terrorism against more than two million Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip,” Hamas added.

The Movement stressed that “the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism obligates the United Nations and the international community, with its institutions and organizations, to shoulder the responsibility to work seriously to expose the terrorism of this Zionist entity against our people, and to escalate and continue all practical measures to prosecute Israel at the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.”

Hamas added in a press statement on Wednesday that the Palestinian people are victims of organized and continuous terrorism which has been practiced for more than seven decades in flagrant violation of all international norms and conventions as well as the heavenly laws and have been carried out in defiance and blatant disregard to the resolutions of international and UN institutions, as a rogue entity that is out of all human values and moral principles.

It said that the international community bears full responsibility for the continued crimes of the Israeli occupation army and its ongoing and escalating terrorism against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jerusalem and the 1948 occupied Palestine.

The Movement called for putting an end to the terrorism of the Israeli occupation army and ending its aggression and war of genocide against the Gaza Strip.

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