Mon 16-September-2024

2 Jerusalemites forced to demolish their shops

Monday 14-November-2016

The Israeli police forces forced Monday two Jerusalemite residents of the Beit Hanina neighborhood to demolish their own stores upon orders by Israel’s Jerusalem municipality.

Osema Ghaith one of the demolished stores’ owner affirmed that he was forced to demolish his commercial shop by himself to avoid paying costly municipality demolition fees.

More than 15 Jerusalemite families constitute of 100 family members have lost their main source of income in similar circumstances he pointed out.

Ghaith noted that the two demolished facilities were built more than eight years ago. However Israeli municipality ordered its removal under the pretext of being built without its permit.

Earlier Monday a Jerusalemite family was also forced to demolish their house in Jabal Mukbar town. 12 family members were left homeless.

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