Sat 21-September-2024

AOHR send letters to diplomats to rally support for administrative detainees

Thursday 8-May-2014

LONDON (PIC)– The London-based Arab organization for human rights (AOHR) sent letters to lawmakers and politicians around the world to urge them to save the lives of the Palestinian administrative detainees who started an open-ended hunger strike 15 days ago.

“The administrative detainees have resorted to hunger strike while they know it is a life-threatening way after they exhausted all other means to demand an end to the administrative detention and get themselves released” the Arab organization stated in its letters.

It noted that the Israeli occupation state has used the administrative detention policy since its inception and adopted it as systematic mass punishment against the Palestinians.

It added that this detention policy targeted all Palestinians from different spectra especially those who have scientific degrees.

The Arab organization affirmed that from 2003 to 2012 the Israeli occupation regime had issued more than 19000 administrative detention orders against Palestinians.

In a related context the families of hunger striking administrative detainees called for more popular participation in events and activities in solidarity with their sons.

They said that the popular rallying around the cause of the administrative detainees is very important for the success of their hunger strike.

Several events and rallies have been organized recently in different West Bank areas in solidarity with the hunger striking administrative detainees.

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