Mon 16-September-2024

Abbas Haneyya agree on PA foreign portfolio more sessions needed

Tuesday 6-March-2007

GAZA (PIC)– PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and PA premier-designate Ismail Haneyya have agreed on names of independent candidates of Hamas and Fatah nominated to occupy a number of portfolios in the next PA unity government sources close to the two Movements affirmed.

The sources also revealed that the two Palestinian leaders agreed on PLC independent lawmaker Dr. Ziyad Abu Amre to handle the foreign affairs ministry in the PA unity government and to count him on the quota of Fatah’s independent nominees adding that both leaders agreed to resume talks on other crucial issues Tuesday.

“The meeting discussed a number of questions including naming a candidate for the PA interior ministry post restructuring the PA security institution and enhancing national reconciliation” affirmed Dr. Ghazi Hamad the spokesman of the PA caretaker government who attended the discussions.

Hamad furthermore asserted that the talks were held in “positive and brotherly” atmosphere amidst unquestionable determination of the two leaders to form the first PA unity government.

For his part spokesman of the PA presidency Nabil Abu Rudaina seconded Hamad’s optimistic remarks affirming that the talks were “moving in the right direction” and that the PA unity government could be announced by the next weekend.

Abu Rudiana moreover explained that the two leaders were deliberating more issues concerning the Palestinian people in general although they don’t relate to the formation of the government.

“All parties are firmly abiding by the Makkah agreement and I believe that names of the next PA ministers will be all ready by end of next week” he underlined.

Meanwhile the PFLP remained firm on its position not to join the PA unity government claiming that the Fatah-Hamas agreement in Makkah has led to “sharp fall in the Palestinian political echelon”.

The PFLP stand was delivered to Abbas during a meeting he held with a delegation from the Movement headed by its political leader Rabah Muhanna Monday night at his office in Gaza city.

Haneyya strived hard and met with the PFLP delegations more than once over the past few days in a bid to persuade them change their mind and join the next government but to no avail.

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