Mon 1-July-2024

Abbas meets with Israeli activists from Women Wage Peace

Friday 21-October-2016

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and senior Fatah officials on Thursday received an Israeli female delegation from Women Wage Peace.

Women Wage Peace is an Israeli group founded after the end of Israel’s 2014 aggression against Gaza.

Abbas welcomed the women in his Ramallah office hailing their role in promoting peace and stability in Palestine and the region.

He also urged the Israeli activists to make greater efforts to support the peace between the Palestinians and Israelis on the basis of the two-state solution.

For their part the activists valued Abbas’s support for the March of Hope which toured some Israeli and Palestinian areas recently as part of efforts to urge the Israeli government to restart peace talks with the Palestinians.

The March of Hope was a trek that started two weeks ago in Rosh Hanikra and ended in Jerusalem on Wednesday night.

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