Sun 6-October-2024

Abu Marzouk: Plans targeting Palestinian cause will not succeed

Sunday 30-June-2019

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Mousa Abu Marzouk has expressed his belief that all attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause will be doomed to failure stressing that the Palestinian people will never give up their land their right to return and their struggle for rights.

In an interview conducted by the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) Abu Marzouk saluted “the Palestinian people in all places of their presence for their great steadfastness in the face of conspiracies targeting their cause and ranks.”

Commenting on the so-called US deal of the century the Hamas official said this plan emerged to market Israeli ideas as new US proposals.

“The deal of the century is there to liquidate the Palestinian cause and not to find a just solution to it. In addition the US seeks to integrate the Zionist entity into the region” he said.

“The Manama economic conference took place after the Warsaw security conference [held in February 2019 in Poland]. The administration of president Trump is employing the American hegemony to impose faits accomplis ahead of the US plan in order to facilitate its execution out of its desire to finish the entire rights of the Palestinian people” Abu Marzouk underscored.

He emphasized that the US plan would not succeed as long as the Palestinian position is united consistent an backed by the Arab and Islamic public opinion.

“The economic plan is actually weak and a bang in the air and not something realistic that can be used on the ground to change the Palestinian reality…our cause is political and not economic. It is not buildings streets or factories we need to construct; it is about people who must return and a land that must be liberated” he said.

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