Tue 2-July-2024

Abu Tir stands trial

Thursday 1-July-2010

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) will put Jerusalemite deputy Mohammed Abu Tir on trial at noon Thursday to decide on his deportation from his own city.

Lawyer of the four Jerusalemite MPs who were ordered out of their city by the IOA Fadi Al-Qawasme told Safa news agency that the banishment decision was apparently being carried out and that Abu Tir’s trial fell in this trend.

He noted that MP Ahmed Attoun’s exile order goes into effect on Saturday and others will follow.

The IOA ordered the deportation of the four MPs at the pretext that they took part in the Palestinian legislative elections as Hamas representatives.

Dr. Ahmed Bahar the first deputy speaker of the Palestinian legislative council described the detention of Abu Tir as “scandalized piracy”.

He said in a press release on Wednesday that “kidnapping” Abu Tir was in violation of all international treaties and doctrines especially the fourth Geneva convention he added that the step also cancelled all agreements signed with the PA that allow Jerusalemites to exercise their natural and political rights.

Bahar appealed to the Arab and Islamic countries to protect Jerusalem and its inhabitants in face of the IOA racist policy.

The higher national committee in support of prisoners held the IOA responsible for the life of Abu Tir noting that the MP was released from IOA jails only 40 days ago.

The Hamas-affiliated change and reform parliamentary bloc urged the PA in Ramallah to end its “futile” negotiations with the IOA describing continuation of such talks at present as a “shame”.
Meanwhile the other three MPs threatened with exile pitched a sit-in tent in front of the Red Cross office in Jerusalem to protest their deportation order.

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