Sat 6-July-2024

Abu Zuhri: The resistance is able to protect its people and holy sites

Thursday 16-June-2022

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Sami Abu Zuhri has affirmed that the Palestinian resistance possesses the capabilities to deter the Israeli occupation and protect its people and holy sites.

During a meeting held by Hamas’s media department in Gaza on Wednesday Abu Zuhri expressed his belief that the next battle with the occupation state would inevitably happen in light of the Israeli persistence in committing crimes against the Palestinian people.

“We are seeing the harbingers of victory starting to loom on the horizon” the Hamas official said describing the Sword of Jerusalem battle that happened a year ago as “a turning point in the history of the Palestinian cause.”

“The occupation is in a state of decline and decay and all the support it receives from America will be of no use to it” he stressed.

He also said that the security cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and the occupation state would not succeed in pushing the Palestinian people to retreat.

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