Sat 6-July-2024

Adalah: Israel reinstates ban on Palestinian family unification

Saturday 12-March-2022

Adalah the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel has condemned “the renewed citizenship and entry into Israel” law as one of the most racist and discriminatory laws in the world calling for repealing it immediately.

According to Adalah the Israeli Knesset approved anew the citizenship and entry into Israel law by a 45-15 majority vote on March 10 2022.

The law bans the unification of Palestinian families as it prohibits the Israeli interior minister from granting residency or citizenship status to Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip who are married to Palestinian citizens of Israel. It also bans unification between a citizen or resident of Israel with spouses from what it labeled as “enemy states” including Syria Lebanon Iraq and Iran.

“Israel’s citizenship and entry into Israel law is one of the most racist and discriminatory laws in the world. No other state bans its citizens from exercising their basic right to family life based solely on their national or ethnic identity” Adalah underscored on its website.

“For 18 years the Knesset has repeatedly renewed the ban and the state has defended the legality of the measure before the Israeli supreme court using unsubstantiated and baseless security arguments. This facade has finally been removed as the law’s current initiators have not even for a moment hidden their goal which is to maintain a Jewish majority” the center said.

It accused the Knesset legislators of basing “the legitimacy of their actions on the 2018 Jewish nation-state law which constitutionally enshrines Jewish supremacy over Palestinians.”

“We will challenge this law before the Israeli supreme court and the justices will now have to decide whether — when faced with the law’s explicit language — they will continue to allow this racist law to be protected under the eternal pretext of temporality.”

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