Fri 20-September-2024

Ahrar: Ramallah operation “a natural response to Israeli crimes”

Friday 23-August-2019

The Palestinian Ahrar Movement has applauded Friday’s resistance operation in Ramallah as a quantum leap in the resistance tools and means in “the West Bank” which it described as “an unfailing revolutionary reservoir.”

In a statement Ahrar said that the operation near the illegal settlement of Dolev in Ramallah was “an act of heroism” and affirmed that the Palestinian people’s resistance of the occupation would never stop despite the obstacles.

It also described the operation as “a natural response to Israel’s criminal practices against the Palestinian people and the Aqsa Mosque and a powerful incentive for the Palestinian masses to continue fighting and resisting the occupation to make it pay dearly for its actions and curb its aggression.”

Other major resistance factions in Gaza including Hamas and Islamic Jihad also blessed the operation and hailed it as “heroic” and a natural response to the crimes committed against the Palestinians every day by Israeli forces and settlers.

One female Jewish settlers was killed and two others were injured on Friday morning when an explosive device was detonated at them in an area near Dolev settlement in Ramallah.

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