Mon 16-September-2024

Al-Hayya: We are working towards breaking the Israeli siege on Gaza

Friday 5-August-2022

Senior Hamas politburo member Dr. Khalil Al-Hayya said that the Movement works hard toward breaking the Israeli siege imposed on the Gaza Strip for more than 17 years.

In an interview with the Al-Aqsa TV channel on Thursday the Hamas official charged that the Israeli policies had worsened the humanitarian conditions in the beleaguered enclave and added insult to injury to the difficult situation in Jerusalem.

The senior Hamas official said that the Movement had discussed the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip and the Israeli violations in Jerusalem and the West Bank with several countries and international bodies.

He emphasized that the Palestinian people would face and foil the Israeli siege and blockade.

Asked about the situation in Jerusalem Al-Hayya affirmed that the Israeli occupation has no place in the holy city of Jerusalem which is the eternal capital of Palestine.

He warned that the continued Israeli violation in Jerusalem triggers disputes in the region.

Al-Hayya also emphasized that comprehensive resistance with all means possible is the option for the Palestinian people amid the failure of political solutions. “We don’t have any other solution left except for resistance against the Israeli occupation and its attempts to judaize the Al-Aqsa Mosque impose the siege on the Gaza Strip and violations against Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails.”

He added that the resistance option will lead to ending the Israeli siege and freeing occupied Palestinian lands.

Welcoming initiatives to heal the Palestinian split he called for restructuring the Palestine Liberation Organization to make it more inclusive of Palestinian factions and parties.

The senior Hamas official also urged the countries that host Palestinian refugees on their soil to provide them with decent living conditions until liberation of and return to their lands. “The Palestinian refugee camps live in poverty and misery and there are attempts to uproot these camps.”

The Hamas official said that his Movement is prepared to strengthen its ties with all countries except Israel. He remarked however that the countries that normalize ties with Israel weaken the Palestinian resistance.

Al-Hayya called on the Arab and Islamic nations along with the free people of the world to unite in the face of the Israeli violations.

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