Mon 16-September-2024

Alarm sounded over US-Israel attempt to marginalize Palestine refugees

Sunday 17-September-2017

Hamas Refugee Affairs Department warned Saturday of underway attempts by the American Congress to rescind the “refugee status” from descendants of Palestinians who were displaced from their homes starting 1948 onwards.

Recently reports have emerged on Israeli attempts to pressure the Trump-led US administration to dismantle UNRWA.

Hamas said Israel has left no stone unturned to liquidate the refugees issue and violate the right of return for 2/3 of Palestinians displaced across the occupied territories and in the diaspora.

Hamas warned of Israeli attempts to uphold the “refugee status” only for first and second-generation refugees and to merge UNRWA with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Hamas said such attempts are unacceptable calling on the national factions and the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take serious steps so as to prop up UNRWA’s budget and push for resolutions that protect the rights of the Palestinian refugees.

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