Mon 16-September-2024

Amnesty: Israel’s projected demolition of Khan Ahmar “war crime”

Wednesday 3-October-2018

Israel’s planned demolition of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar and the forcible transfer of its residents to make way for illegal settlements is a war crime Amnesty International (AI) said on Tuesday.

Saleh Higazi Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director denounced Israel’s planned demolition of Khan al-Ahmar stressing that “this act is not only heartless and discriminatory; it is illegal.”

Some 180 residents of the Bedouin community of Khan-al Ahmar east of Jerusalem face being forcibly evicted and transferred by the Israeli army.

The Israeli occupation authorities have offered the villagers a choice of two possible destinations: a site near the former Jerusalem municipal rubbish tip close to the village of Abu Dis or a site in the vicinity of a sewage site near the city of Jericho noted AI.

“Israel’s policies of settling Israeli civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories wantonly destroying property and forcibly transferring Palestinians living under occupation violate the Fourth Geneva Convention and are war crimes listed in the statute of the International Criminal Court” it said.

It said that since 1967 Israel has forcibly evicted and displaced entire communities and demolished more than 50000 Palestinian homes and structures.

After nearly a decade of trying to fight the injustice of this demolition the residents of Khan al-Ahmar now approach the devastating day when they will see their home of generations torn down before their eyes added AI.

Amnesty International stressed that the forcible transfer of the Khan al-Ahmar community “amounts to a war crime.”

“Israel must end its policy of destroying Palestinians’ homes and livelihoods to make way for settlements.”

Khan al-Ahmar home to the Jahalin Bedouin tribe is surrounded by several illegal Israeli settlements. For more than 60 years members of the tribe have been struggling to maintain their way of life. Forced from their lands in the Negev desert in the 1950s they have been continually harassed and forced to resettle by successive Israeli governments.

Last August Israeli war minister Avigdor Lieberman announced that the government would forcibly evacuate the entire community within several months.

Israel’s Supreme Court has twice ruled in favor of demolishing the entire village first on 24 May and again on 5 September following desperate appeal by residents.

The demolition order includes the village’s school which provides education for around 170 children from five different Bedouin communities.

The Supreme Court ruled that the village was built without relevant building permits even though these are impossible for Palestinians to obtain in Israeli-controlled areas of the West Bank known as Area C.

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