Wed 3-July-2024

Arab League calls for int’l action to curb Israel’s attacks on Gaza

Saturday 6-August-2022

The Arab League has held the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for the repercussions of its military aggression against Gaza and all the crimes that are committed by its army against the population.

In a press release on Saturday the Arab League’s general secretariat said that Israel’s ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people require accountability from the competent international judicial bodies.

The Arab League also called on the international community especially the UN Security Council and human rights groups to take immediate and effective action to curb Israel’s aggression against Gaza and provide an international protection system for the Palestinian people.

“The occupation state’s persistence in waging a wanton war and brute aggression against the Palestinian people their land rights and holy sites and shedding their blood especially during the current barbaric aggression against Gaza will not undermine their steadfastness or their inalienable and legitimate national rights that are protected by the international law” the Arab League stated.

The Arab League stressed the need for international action to provide a political prospect for rebuilding what had been destroyed during previous Israeli wars on Gaza and lifting the siege imposed on its population.

It also urged the international community to “launch a serious political process that can eventually enable the Palestinian people to exercise their rights to freedom sovereignty and return within the confines of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

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