Fri 5-July-2024

Arab League condemns Israel’s approval of new illegal settlement units

Thursday 31-May-2018

The Cairo-based League of Arab States on Wednesday condemned the recent Israeli approval of a bid to construct thousands of new settlement units on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

“This constant aggression on the Palestinian people is a violation of all resolutions of international legitimacy and all the signed laws treaties and agreements” Saeed Abu Ali the Arab League’s assistant secretary general for the occupied Palestinian and Arab lands said in a statement.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman recently approved the construction of 3900 settlement units in the occupied West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem.

The Israeli settlement expansion is being carried out “amid absence of international accountability and encouragement of the U.S. government in defiance of the will of the international community” said Abu Ali.

He also slammed the recent ruling of an Israeli high court to demolish the Bedouin community in Khan al-Ahmar east of Occupied Jerusalem which will forcibly displace 35 Palestinian families as Israel plans to build new settlement units nearby.

The deadlock of the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis is largely attributed to Israel’s settlement expansion policy which is rejected even by its strongest ally the United States.

The pace of Israel’s settlement activity has hit climatic levels after the U.S. moved its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Occupied Jerusalem despite regional and international outcry.

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