Wed 3-July-2024

Arab League welcomes Amnesty’s report on Israel’s apartheid

Thursday 3-February-2022

The Arab League has welcomed the recent report by Amnesty International on Israel’s apartheid regime and racist policies and practices against the Palestinian people calling for following up on its findings to enforce relevant international resolutions.

Addressing a news conference on Thursday Sa’eid Abu Ali assistant secretary-general for Palestine and the occupied Arab territories of the Arab League described the report as “an important international legal document” especially in light of the ongoing Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity which escalated in 2021 in Palestine.

“The report is a new testimony that has exposed the reality of the occupation system and its executive tools which practice discrimination apartheid and ethnic cleansing crimes against the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories” Abu Ali said.

Abu Ali urged the international community and its institutions to follow up on the important findings of Amnesty’s report on Palestine and identify those responsible for violations and crimes against Palestinian citizens.

Amnesty International released a report on Tuesday concluding that Israel’s discriminatory and exclusionary laws policies and practices against Palestinians amount to apartheid.

Amnesty’s report entitled “Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity” states that Israel is maintaining an apartheid regime between the Jordanian river and Mediterranean Sea based on its continued occupation of Palestinian lands and its discriminatory practices against Palestinians.

The report documents Israeli violations that include the appropriation of Palestinian land and property on a large scale unlawful killings forced displacement severe restrictions on movement and the denial of Palestinians the right of citizenship.

Such Israeli violations constitute the components of a racist and discriminatory regime that amounts to a crime against humanity under international law according to the report.

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