Fri 20-September-2024

Ariel settlement guards obstruct traffic at main entrance to Salfit

Tuesday 6-November-2018

The security guards of Ariel settlement on Monday obstructed the movement of Palestinian citizens and vehicles at the main northern entrance to Salfit city in the occupied West Bank.

Eyewitnesses told a reporter for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) that the guards deliberately delayed the movement of Palestinian vehicles causing a heavy traffic build-up on both sides of the road.

The eyewitnesses added that the guards blatantly gave priority to the movement of settlers’ cars on the road.

This situation prompted some Palestinian drivers to travel on alternative routes to reach their destinations.

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Ariel settlement guards obstruct traffic at main entrance to Salfit

Monday 22-October-2018

The security guards of Ariel settlement on Monday morning set up a makeshift checkpoint at the main entrance to Salfit city in the occupied West Bank.

Local sources reported that Ariel settlement guards obstructed the movement of Palestinian vehicles causing a heavy build-up of traffic in both directions.

They added that some drivers had to look for another routes to reach their destinations.

Makeshift checkpoints and roadblocks are deployed every day at entrances to West Bank cities towns and villages by Israeli soldiers or sometimes by security guards of illegal settlements.

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