Mon 16-September-2024

Arrests home break-ins in West Bank sweep by Israeli army

Tuesday 18-April-2017

A number of Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) from the West Bank and at daybreak Tuesday.

At predawn the Israeli army claimed responsibility for the abduction of seven Palestinians on allegations of involvement in anti-occupation activities.

Overnight the Israeli police claimed that two Palestinians including a minor were arrested near the Ibrahimi Mosque in al-Khalil over an attempted anti-occupation stabbing attack.

The two captives were identified as Jamil and Ali al-Ajalouni both arrested at Abu al-Rish military checkpoint.

The IOF also stormed the home of the Palestinian lecturer at An-Najah University Mustafa al-Shanar in western Nablus in the second such assault carried out over the past couple of days in the hunt for his 26-year-old son Muntasser former coordinator of the Islamic Bloc at An-Najah University.

Clashes flared up in the area shortly after the IOF cordoned off al-Shanar’s home and attacked the Palestinian youths with teargas canisters and sound bombs.

Dr. al-Shanar said the Israeli forces stayed at his home for over a couple of hours and a half and turned his furniture and personal belongings upside down.

Al-Shanar added that the Israeli soldiers forced him at gunpoint to knock at the doors of 10 neighboring apartments at 03:00 a.m. before they stormed the whole lot of them and smashed the door of an empty apartment.

The Israeli troops threatened to execute al-Shanar’s son in case he does not turn himself in within a few hours.

A couple of days earlier al-Shanar was rushed to a hospital and underwent a cardiac catheterization due to a severe heart attack sustained shortly after the IOF stormed his family home and summoned all the family members to interrogation at Hawara military camp.

The family members also said they received over 100 threatening phone calls from Israeli intelligence agents.

Last month the Israeli forces kidnapped al-Shanar’s 20-year-old son Assem enrolled at An-Najah University.

At the same time Israeli army troops broke into Palestinian family homes in Rafidia and al-Mekhfiya in the hunt for Palestinian students affiliated with the Islamic Bloc at An-Najah University.

The assault coincides with the student council elections held at An-Najah Campus.

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Arrests home break-ins in West Bank sweep by Israeli army

Monday 27-February-2017

Several Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Monday following assaults on West Bank provinces.

According to Quds Press ex-prisoner Mo’n Ehmeidat from Surif and youngster Mos’ab al-Sweiti from Beit Awa were kidnapped by the IOF.

Reporting from Nablus a PIC news correspondent said the IOF stormed the Old City and Askar al-Jadid to the east and wreaked havoc on civilian homes.

A number of Palestinian anti-occupation youths including Kamel Salama and Shadi Beshkar were kidnapped by the Israeli soldiers in the process.

At the same time a flock of Israeli army jeeps rolled into Jenin’s western town of al-Yamon and ravaged into the home of the Palestinian citizen Taher Ahmad Nawahda before they subjected him to exhaustive interrogation and summoned him to further questioning at the Salem military camp.

The IOF further broke into civilian homes in the nearby Kafrdan town and summoned civilians to interrogation.

The IOF also stormed Qalqilya’s eastern town of Azzoun in the northern West Bank and rummaged into Palestinian homes. Several youngsters had been subjected to intensive questioning in the process.

According to PIC reporter the IOF broke into the home of Na’im Yassin in Azzoun and interrogated his children before they kidnapped his son Hamza. Palestinian citizen Hamed Salim was kidnapped from his home in the assault.

The IOF closed off the main access road between Azzoun and Azabat al-Tabib area.

Meanwhile the occupation troops pitched a military checkpoint near the main entrance to the town and raked through the area.

An Israeli military patrol stormed Surif town to the west of al-Khalil and kidnapped the Palestinian young man Nour al-Deen al-Hour after they wreaked havoc on his home and forced his family members out.

The IOF reportedly smashed the house furniture and aggressively attacked the arrestee’s mother and the other family members.

At the same time the IOF broke into the home of the female ex-prisoner Ihsan al-Dababsa in Nouba town and ravaged the building. Ihsan was kidnapped by the IOF and dragged to an unidentified destination moments after the assault.

Another Palestinian citizen was kidnapped by the IOF from Yatta in southern al-Khalil.

A Palestinian woman was further summoned to questioning in Samou’ town in al-Khalil.

Overnight Sunday and at dawn Monday the Israeli police and soldiers broke into Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem before they kidnapped five Palestinians from city.

According to the Hebrew-speaking 0404 news site 18 Palestinians were arrested by the Israeli forces mostly on claims of involvement in anti-occupation activities.

The list of arrestees included five Hamas affiliates the same source added.

The campaign culminated in the abduction of two Palestinians from Husan west of Bethlehem and four from Salfit.

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