Mon 16-September-2024

Art exhibition shows solidarity with Palestinians

Sunday 28-November-2021

The Mobile Atelier Society in cooperation with the Kudsi Association Knowledge for Heritage and Culture has launched an art exhibition titled “Brush and Cause” to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

The Mobile Atelier Society was founded in 2014 as part of the Jordanian Ministry of Culture’s efforts to support art and artists in Jordan.

The opening ceremony took place at the Royal Cultural Center.

The ceremony showcased the work of 16 artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina Canada Algeria Tunisia Syria the UAE Iraq Egypt Russia the US and Taipei in addition to 14 Palestinian artists and 42 Jordanian artists.

The “Cause” in the exhibition’s title is the Palestinian cause and the “Brush” is that of the artists the general coordinator of the society Omar Bdoo said.

“That’s what we as artists can offer for the Palestinian cause. We show our solidarity using our brushes and paintings” Bdoor added noting that “an image can say plenty without using any words”.

The three-day exhibition which took place on November 23 – 25 will be also held in the Professional Associations Complex on November 29 coinciding with the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People according to Bdoor.

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