Mon 1-July-2024

Aruri: Israeli diggings beneath Aqsa Mosque are “subversive”

Tuesday 5-July-2022

Deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau Saleh al-Aruri has warned that the ongoing Israeli diggings taking place under the Aqsa Mosque compound are of a subversive nature and posing a threat to its existence.

In an interview conducted with him by al-Aqsa satellite channel on Monday Aruri called on the Muslim nation the Palestinian Authority leadership and the Palestinian people to assume their responsibilities towards the Aqsa Mosque and work on preventing Israeli diggings under the holy site.

The Hamas official also pointed to the presence of renewed Israeli intents to control the Aqsa Mosque’s Bab al-Rahma prayer area and turn it into a synagogue.

“The whole world should pay attention to what is happening at the Aqsa Mosque and curb such Israeli violations” he said warning of a “global explosion” if any harm comes to the Mosque.

He affirmed that the Palestinian people would not stop defending the Aqsa Mosque with might and main and would achieve a victory eventually.

Aruri stressed the importance of directing every Palestinian weapon in the West Bank towards the Israeli occupation adding that his Movement strongly supports the growing phenomenon of resistance in the occupied territories regardless of any political affiliations.

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