Wed 3-July-2024

BDS calls for more efforts to boycott and isolate Israel in 2021

Monday 11-January-2021

The Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Movement on Sunday called for intensifying the boycott campaigns against Israel in 2021 because of its persistence in persecuting the Palestinian people and occupying their land.

In a report released on its website BDS said that the wave of normalization with Israel entails pooling the efforts of everyone who is keen on preserving the Palestinian cause and the rights of the peoples in the Arab region.

BDS stressed the need for opposing the normalization steps in the Arab region carrying out intensive boycott campaigns against Israel having investments withdrawn from it and pressuring the international community to impose sanctions on it.

BDS called for making the price of normalization high in 2021 forcing Israel to pay dearly for its crimes against the Palestinians and working on making it more isolated in the international arena. .

It said its goal in 2021 is to end Israel’s occupation and its colonial settlement regime.

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