Mon 1-July-2024

Barghouthi lauds Irish ban on trade with Israeli settlements

Friday 13-July-2018

Mustafa al-Barghouthi secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative has applauded Ireland’s senate for voting in favor of a bill banning the importation of products from Israeli settlements describing the step as a “European precedent.”

In a press release Barghouthi described the Irish senate’s decision as “a major victory for the international boycott and sanctions campaign against Israel.”

He expressed his thanks to senator Frances Black for adopting and proposing the bill and confronting Israeli pressures to stop it from being a law.

He also appreciated the efforts that had been made by civil society and solidarity groups in Ireland especially the Ireland Palestine Alliance (Sadaka) Trocaire Christian Aid Ireland ICTU and PIPD for playing an important role in convincing the political parties in the country to vote for the legislation.

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