Sat 6-July-2024

Britain concerned over new settlement units in Jerusalem

Wednesday 5-June-2019

Britain’s Minister for the Middle East at the Foreign Office Andrew Murrison on Tuesday said that his government is concerned by new plans to build settlement units in East Jerusalem.

Murrison said in a press statement that the Israeli settlements on the occupied Palestinian territories violate international law and stand as an obstacle to the two-state solution.

Murrison noted that he visited Jerusalem on 28-30 May where he reiterated his country’s support for a two-state solution with Jerusalem as a shared capital for both states.

Israel’s Ministry of Housing has recently advanced tenders for the construction of 805 housing units in Jerusalem.

On 27 May the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Israeli authorities constantly seize privately-owned Palestinian lands under various pretexts and use them for settlement expansion projects.

The Israeli settlements have been repeatedly condemned by the United Nations and in December 2017 the Security Council adopted Resolution 2334 which called for a complete halt to the settlement construction in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

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