Tue 15-October-2024

Calls for investigation into Israeli gas attacks against protesters

Sunday 24-December-2017

A group of Palestinian human rights institutions on Sunday called on international organizations to investigate the nature of the gas used lately by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) against Palestinian civilians.

The institutions called in a statement on the International Criminal Court to open investigation into the IOF toxic gas attacks against Palestinians which are considered “war crimes” in accordance with Rome Statute.

The statement highlighted previous statements by the spokesman for Gaza’s Ministry of Health Ashraf al-Qedra in which he said that the IOF soldiers excessively fire an “unfamiliar gas” at protesters near Gaza’s eastern border causing a notable increase in the suffocation cases during demonstrations.

Qedra has confirmed that this is the first time that medical crews in Gaza have dealt with this kind of gas which causes almost complete paralysis to the person who inhales it accompanied by vomiting breathing difficulty and convulsions.

A number of Palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured as a result of Israel’s excessive use of force against the Palestinian demonstrators protesting on a daily basis near Gaza’s eastern border against the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on 6th December.

The Palestinian human rights institutions urged local and international media platforms to expose the Israeli occupation’s crimes against the Palestinian people affirming that they will continue to follow up this file with the relevant international organizations.

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