Wed 3-July-2024

Calls on ICC to investigate Israeli settlement activity

Saturday 30-September-2017

The National Office for Defending Land on Saturday asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the escalated settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The National Office appealed to the ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to open a judicial investigation into the settlement file.

It demanded the international community to intervene to enforce the resolutions of the international legitimacy which Israel disregards including the UN Security Council’s resolution No. (2334) which condemned the settlement construction in the West Bank and Jerusalem and required its cessation.

The Israeli government last week celebrated what it called the “golden jubilee” of the occupation of the West Bank Golan Heights and Jordan Valley amid calls for intensifying the settlement activity in the Palestinian territories.

The celebration was held in Gush Etzion settlement bloc in the presence of high-ranking military and political officials but it was boycotted by all diplomatic and international bodies operating in Tel Aviv.

The National Office for Defending Land pointed out that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged during the celebration to build 3000 new settlement units in the West Bank and not to dismantle any of the established settlements and outposts.

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