Thu 24-October-2024

Campaign of solidarity with Palestinians “VivaPalestina”

Saturday 28-November-2020

A solidarity campaign with the Palestinian people will be launched on Saturday. This campaign is organized by several institutions in Latin America and civil society on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

The United Nations adopts 29 November of every year as the world solidarity day with the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights.

The campaign includes a number of events and meetings with dignitaries on the political and social levels.

On Saturday 11/28/2020 the campaign is organizing a Twitter campaign in Latin American countries on all social media platforms with the hashtag #vivapalestina.

On Sunday 11/29/2020 a meeting will be held with parliamentarians who support the Palestinian cause from 11 Latin American countries. Another meeting will be held on Monday 30/11/2020 with the President of the Union of Palestinian Institutions in Brazil Walid Rabbah in which he will be interviewed by the Brazilian Lebanese journalist Bruno Baaklini.

On Tuesday 01/12/2020 the campaign will meet with several activists supporting the Palestinian cause from 6 countries in Latin America while on Wednesday 02/12/2020 a documentary film entitled (Gaza lives) will be shown on the Middle East Monitor website.

All events and encounters will be broadcast via the ZOOM app through the following broadcast link:

in addition to the following pages on Facebook:

Short link:
