Sat 21-September-2024

Captive Masri might lose his eyesight

Tuesday 26-April-2016

GAZA (PIC)– The Palestinian captive Yusri al-Masri 31 who suffers from cancer complained about Israeli Prison Service (IPS) procrastination in providing him with treatment leaving him in danger of losing his eyesight.
Prisoner Masri told Muhjat al-Quds foundation for prisoners and martyrs in a letter on Monday that he has been suffering from retinal detachment resulting in poor vision which may lead to complete vision loss.

He was transferred to hospital more than once over two years with no real treatment the prisoner pointed out in his letter.

Detainee Masri underwent a surgery to remove tumors in the thyroid over two years ago but the tumors returned back and spread in his body because of the lack of follow up medical care after the surgery and not sterilizing the infected areas. Three new tumors have recently been discovered in the liver.

The patient captive appealed to human rights organizations and societies concerned with prisoners affairs especially the Red Cross to urgently intervene to pressure Israeli occupation authorities to release him immediately so that he can pursue treatment outside jail.

Masri elaborated that pressuring Israeli authorities at the current time is of a key importance to him since he will be brought to court a few days later to decide on his appeal for release since he spent two thirds of his sentence.

Prisoner Masri is from Deir al-Balah town in Central Gaza. He was arrested on June 09 2003 and sentenced to 20 years. He is affiliated with the Islamic Jihad Movement.

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