Fri 20-September-2024

Causalities arrests during Friday rallies

Friday 30-October-2020

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled on Friday a march launched in Beit Dajan village east of Nablus. Three Palestinians were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets and dozens of people suffered suffocation problems.

Media sources reported that IOF soldiers fired live bullets and rubber-coated bullets stun grenades and tear gas heavily at the Palestinian marchers. Three Palestinians were wounded with metal bullets and dozens of them suffered breathing difficulties.

On Friday morning the IOF soldiers stormed Beit Dajan to prevent a march called by the People’s Committee for the Defense of Lands Threatened by Seizure and the National Action Factions.

Meanwhile the Israeli police suppressed the march in support of Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him on Friday organized after Palestinian worshipers left the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and two Jerusalemites were arrested.

Eyewitnesses reported that the Israeli forces attacked the marchers after they left the door of Alnnazir Gate and reached Al-Wad Street which led to the injury of several Palestinians with bruises.

The Israeli police arrested several Jerusalemites during their participation in the march among them is the young man Sameh Da`as and the photojournalist Abd Al-Afu Bassam Zughayer.

Thousands of citizens were able to perform Friday prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque after the end of the restrictions imposed by the Israeli police in the vicinity of the Mosque.

The worshipers forced the Israeli soldiers to remove the iron barriers that were set up to prevent citizens from entering Al-Aqsa to perform Friday prayer.

Disowning normalizers

Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri during the Friday sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque after months of being banned from it disowned normalizers with the occupation and the traitors.

Sabri warned of the dangers surrounding the Al-Aqsa Mosque calling for preventing settlers from storming it and for confronting attempts to impose Israeli sovereignty over it.

The preacher of Al-Aqsa held the occupation authorities responsible for violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa stressing that sovereignty over it is vested in the Muslims only by a divine decision.

Regarding the insult to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Sheikh Sabri confirmed that the French President declared his hostility to Muslims in the world and he is the one who bears responsibility for the violence that is happening these days.

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