Sun 7-July-2024

Citizen PA officers wounded in gunfight in Balata camp

Monday 20-March-2017

At least one Palestinian citizen and two members of the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces suffered bullet injuries in armed clashes on Sunday night in Balata refugee camp east of Nablus city in the occupied West Bank.

Eyewitnesses told the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) that there was an intensive exchange of fire between armed citizens from the camp and PA security soldiers around midnight.

They added that ambulances rushed to the camp to evacuate the wounded.

The injured citizen was identified as 27-year-old Ahmed Abu Hamada one of the gunmen who engaged in the overnight gunfight with the PA forces according to informed sources.

Pictures posted on social media websites showed the wounded citizen in very critical condition after he suffered abdominal and head injuries.

Two security officers also suffered bullet injuries in the shootout one of them in serious condition.

Balata camp has seen lately constant armed tension between a Fatah-affiliated armed group and the PA security forces as part of the political conflict within Fatah between president Mahmoud Abbas and his exiled rival Mohamed Dahlan.

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