Thu 19-September-2024

Clashes arrests reported across West Bank

Saturday 16-September-2017

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Saturday launched raid and arrest campaigns in several parts of the West Bank during which violent clashes erupted.

Eyewitnesses reported that an Israeli military force raided the house of Sami Abu Arqoub in al-Samu’ town to the south of al-Khalil last night and arrested his two sons Nizar 19 and Basel 22.

They pointed out that the IOF soldiers wreaked havoc on the house during the raid and seized jewelry a sum of money estimated at 20000 shekels and three computers.

Five Israeli patrols stormed Awarta and infantry soldiers were deployed in part of the town.

Awarta has been recently subjected to repeated break-ins accompanied occasionally by incursions conducted by Israeli settlers into the three shrines existing in the town.

Confrontations erupted in Deir Istiya in Salfit between Palestinian citizens and the IOF soldiers who stormed the town and raided a number of houses.

Local sources told the PIC reporter that the soldiers broke into the house of Ismail Kokash searched it and interrogated the family before raiding other neighboring houses.

The IOF heavily fired tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the Palestinian citizens who responded by throwing stones the sources added.

Israeli forces later erected a military checkpoint between the towns of Deir Istiya and Haris hindering the traffic movement.

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Clashes arrests reported across West Bank

Monday 4-July-2016

WEST BANK (PIC)– The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) launched Monday a large-scale raid and arrest campaign across the West Bank which led to the outbreak of violent clashes.

In Jenin IOF soldiers arrested at dawn Monday a young man from his house and took him to a nearby detention center while clashes broke out in Qabatia town south of the city when Israeli forces violently stormed the town amid heavy firing of teargas bombs.

A military checkpoint was also erected in the area.

In al-Khalil Israeli forces stormed in large numbers Dura and Bani Naim towns.

Eyewitnesses affirmed that IOF soldiers in more than 25 military vehicles broke into Dura town which led to the outbreak of violent clashes with local residents.

Several injuries were reported during the clashes as Israeli forces heavily fired rubber bullets and tear gas bombs.

A resident was arrested while a local home was stormed during the raid.

Along the same line Israeli forces surrounded a mosque and forced worshipers to evacuate it.

Similar provocative raids were reported in the neighboring villages which led to the outbreak of clashes with locals.

Meanwhile two brothers were arrested as IOF stormed Bani Naim town that was subjected to a tight security cordon over the past few days.

In Qalqilia four Palestinians were brutally attacked and beaten at the hands of Israeli soldiers in Azzoun town east of the city.

The four Palestinians were stopped and searched at a military checkpoint. They were subjected to tough investigation before being released.

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