Sat 6-July-2024

Clashes erupt after the funeral of martyr Hattab in Jalazoun camp

Friday 24-March-2017

Clashes erupted between Palestinian youths and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the wake of the funeral of the minor Mohammad Hattab east of al-Jalazoun refugee camp in Ramallah.

Eyewitnesses reported that IOF soldiers fired rubber bullets and tear gas grenades at Palestinian youths who responded by throwing stones amid a state of tension prevailing in the area.

Thousands of Palestinians after the Friday prayer took part in the funeral of the martyr Hattab who was deliberately murdered by Israeli forces while in the company of three of his friends who were seriously injured in the Israeli shooting. The soldiers claimed the youths threw a Molotov cocktail at a military site in Beit El settlement in Ramallah.

The participants chanted angry and anti-occupation slogans and carried the photo of martyr Hattab along with the Palestinian flag.

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