Thu 24-October-2024

Committee: Gaza siege must end in 2017

Thursday 5-January-2017

Dozens of Palestinians participated on Thursday in a rally organized by the popular committee against the Gaza siege which aims at appealing to the international community to break the siege on the coastal enclave in 2017.

Jamal al-Khudari an independent MP and head of the committee told a press conference on the occasion that there is positive response from both regional and international parties to contribute in ending the siege.

Khudari stressed on the role of Palestinians Arabs and Muslims in ending the unfair siege which was imposed more than ten years ago.

International UN and even Israeli reports indicate that the situation is Gaza is disturbing and heralds rapid deterioration which necessitates immediate intervention to end the suffering of millions he pointed out.

“The past ten years witnessed siege and three aggressions which doubled the suffering of Gazans” he added.

One million and a half citizens live under the poverty line in Gaza and live on international aid from both regional and international organizations he said.

The MP called for accelerating Palestinian reconciliation in order to take one stand against the unjust Israeli policies of closing borders on Gaza and expanding and building illegal settlements in the West Bank in addition to Judaizing Occupied Jerusalem.

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