Sat 5-October-2024

Committee in Jenin to support hunger-striker in Israeli jail

Thursday 13-October-2016

Activists in Jenin’s southern town of Yabad in the northern occupied West Bank formed on Wednesday evening a committee to support the Palestinian hunger-striker Muhammad Abu Shamla held in an Israeli jail.
A meeting by Yabad activists culminated in a decision to form a committee to speak for Abu Shamla who has been starving for nine days in protest at being held without charge in Israeli lock-ups.
A popular rally was staged in Yabad to mobilize support for Abu Shamla’s cause.
Addressing the rally-goers activist Arafat Amr announced the launch of a series of events in Yabad and other Jenin towns including sit-in tents and rallies outside the Red Cross headquarters in solidarity with Abu Shamla.
The hunger-striker’s father Husni hailed the local activists and supporters for rallying round his son and standing up for his rights.
Prisoner Abu Shamla was arrested by the Israeli occupation forces on January 27 2016 and had been subjected to intensive interrogation at the Jalama detention center for 51 days following which he was transferred to administrative detention for six months on March 27.
The occupation authorities renewed his administrative prison term up to January 24 2017 which made him declare an open-ended hunger strike.

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