Wed 3-July-2024

Conference asks ICC to investigate Israeli crimes in Gaza

Wednesday 11-April-2018

Popular Conference of Palestinians Abroad on Tuesday denounced the International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s statement that civilians in Gaza are being used for military purposes in the March of Return.

Head of the Conference’s legal committee Mu’taz al-Masloukhi said in a statement that Bensouda’s remarks adopt Israel’s false narrative that Gazan civilians are being used as human shields for military purposes.

Al-Masloukhi added “We were hoping that the statement includes a warning directed to the real criminals and the Israeli political and military leaders to stop their crimes against unarmed civilians participating in the peaceful Return protests which pose no threat to anyone.”

Popular Conference of Palestinians Abroad asked Bensouda to immediately open a preliminary investigation into the crimes committed against unarmed protesters under Article 15 of the ICC Rome Statute.

Bensouda called for an end to violence in Gaza noting that her office will continue to closely watch the situation and will record any instance of incitement or resort to unlawful force.

In a statement issued by the ICC in the Hague Saturday she warned that any person who incites or engages in acts of violence including by ordering requesting encouraging or contributing in any other manner to the commission of crimes within the ICC jurisdiction is liable to prosecution before the Court.

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