Sat 6-July-2024

Denmark stops funding Palestinian NGOs

Saturday 3-June-2017

The Danish ambassador to Israel Jesper Vahr declared Saturday that his country has stopped financial support to Palestinian non-governmental organizations for “glorifying terrorism.”

“Denmark breaks off cooperation with Palestinian NGOs for glorifying terrorism demands money back” he said in a tweet early today.

The decision was taken only few days after a similar decision by Norway against a Palestinian youth center for women named after the Palestinian martyr Dalal al-Maghrabi.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has earlier reported that the Danish Foreign Ministry had ordered an investigation into donations to non-governmental organizations operating in the Palestinian territories following pressure from Israel.

The paper pointed out that in a meeting earlier this month Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Danish foreign minister Anders Samuelsen to stop Denmark’s funding for Palestinian NGOs that promoted incitement against Israel.

Netanyahu is even reported to have personally handed a list to Samuelsen containing names of organizations which receive Danish funds that Israel says are linked to the the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement.

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