Fri 20-September-2024

Document reveals plan to annex new West Bank lands to Israel

Saturday 20-January-2018

Hebrew TV channel 14 on Friday evening claimed that it had received a Palestinian document on the US president Donald Trump’s so-called “deal of the century”.

The Hebrew channel said that it had received a detailed report from the secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee Saeb Erekat in which he presents Trump’s peace plan which includes the annexation of 10% of the West Bank to Israel.

The Palestinian document reveals that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed for 5% increase in the area to be annexed. According to the 92-page report Trump will announce the plan within two or three months.

The channel added that based on Trump’s plan Palestinians will be allowed to use certain parts of Ashdod and Haifa ports and Ben Gurion airport; however the Israeli security authority will remain in place. In addition to this a safe passage between the Gaza Strip and West Bank will be established under Israeli sovereignty.

It pointed out that Trump’s plan includes setting an agreed timetable to complete negotiations but it does not specify a timetable for the Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank which will be carried out gradually based on the Palestinian performance.

Supported by some Arab countries “the deal of the century” started to see the light following Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move his country’s embassy in Israel to the holy city.

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