Sat 6-July-2024

Dozens injured in IOF teargas attack in southern Nablus

Saturday 13-August-2022

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured last night when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) clashed with young men in southern Nablus.

The Red Crescent said that 66 citizens suffered from their exposure to tear gas during violent clashes at the Huwara checkpoint and in Deir Sharaf and Dajan areas.

The Red Crescent pointed out that 28 Palestinians including 17 children under age 5 suffered from inhaling tear gas as they were aboard vehicles at the Huwara checkpoint adding that an 18-year-old passenger was evacuated from the area to a local hospital for medical assistance.

In a separate incident the IOF kidnaped at dawn Saturday two citizens from their homes in al-Jalazon refugee camp in Ramallah.

A young man was also kidnaped from his home following an Israeli police raid in Biddu town northwest of Occupied Jerusalem.

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