Fri 20-September-2024

EU considers lifting embargo

Friday 16-March-2007

BRUSSELS (PIC) — The European Union is considering the lifting of the economic blockade imposed on the Palestinian people over a year ago for electing Hamas.

Diplomatic sources in Brussels revealed on Thursday that the EU was considering the possibility of resuming aid to the Palestinian authority through the newly formed PA unity government which  will be presented to the Palestinian Legislative Council on Saturday for approval.

EU foreign ministers will meet at Brussels soon and the question of resumption of aid to the PA government is on their agenda. The sources further revealed that some EU countries such as France are in favor of recognizing the new government but other countries such as the Britain and Germany insist that the new government should comply with the Quartet Committee’s conditions for recognition.

Meanwhile the Israeli Jerusalem Affairs Minister Yaakov Edri told Israeli radio that his government views with concern the possibility of EU recognizing the new Palestinian unity government without the government meeting the Quartet Committee’s conditions especially that the EU are part of this committee.

He further added that the Israeli government will do all in its power to prevent aid reaching the Palestinians saying that the Israeli council of ministers will discuss these new developments in its upcoming meeting on Sunday.

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