Sun 15-September-2024

Egyptian-Palestinian agreement signed to supply Gaza with power

Wednesday 21-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– An Egyptian-Palestinian agreement was signed in Cairo to start supplying the Gaza Strip with Egyptian power after linking the Egyptian grid to that of the Strip an official PA source announced.

The source of the electricity company in Gaza quoted delegates in Cairo as saying that the agreement would provide 300 Megawatts of electricity in the first stage that would at the final stage double to 600 Megawatts.

The Palestinian delegates who arrived in Cairo a week ago discussed the technical preparations for the agreement the source said adding that Egypt pledged to provide gas for the Palestinian company at low prices.

The Hamas-led PA government headed to Egypt to ask for power supply after the IOF blasted the sole electricity generation station in Gaza city last summer in a wave of attacks that targeted Gaza infrastructure. The Strip used to secure its electricity needs from an Israeli company.

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