Mon 16-September-2024

Ex-prisoners call on Fatah Movement to cancel salary cut-off decision

Saturday 1-July-2017

The Palestinian ex-detainees on Saturday handed a letter to Fatah Movement Secretary General in Ramallah and al-Bireh district demanding the cancellation of salary cut-off decision and the payment of their wages.

This came in the open sit-in that has been ongoing for the 14th day in front of the Palestinian Legislative Council building in Ramallah city.

The ex-detainees erected a new sit-in tent in al-Saat Square in the city center. It was visited by representatives of local and international human rights institutions including the United Nations Human Rights Representative and Amnesty International.

The Palestinian Authority closed the sit-in tent a few days ago. It was held for a week and was visited by many Palestinians and human rights activists. Social media activists launched a campaign to back up the affected ex-detainees.

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