Sat 5-October-2024

Facebook deletes Palestinian Information Center’s 5-million-fan page

Friday 11-October-2019

Palestinian Information Center (PIC) condemns with the strongest possible terms Facebook’s deletion of its 5-million fan page.

This anti-Palestinian and pro-Israeli occupation and oppression move from Facebook is not the first of its kind as PIC has been harassed by having many of its admins suspended temporarily and indefinitely.

This fascist move from Facebook has come with no notice or warning to any of our content which totally adheres to Facebook’s ‘loose and illusive’ community guide lines.

Let’s be clear about this: Facebook is bowing to Israeli pressure. Israel itself had bragged that Facebook has positively responded to 90% of its complaints against Palestinian content.

Palestinian Information Center is the most widely read online Palestinian source. PIC was established in 1998 and now reports news and articles on Palestine in 8 languages.

PIC hereby demands Facebook reverse their decision if it is to prove that its decisions are not made in and by Israel.

Meanwhile PIC which insists on relentlessly reporting truth on Palestine and Israeli occupation has launched its backup page because nothing will prevent us from advancing human rights and freedom of speech for Palestine and Palestinians and by extension for the oppressed peoples around the world.

You can follow our new page here :

Short link:
