Thu 19-September-2024

Families of political prisoners demand release of their sons

Tuesday 19-September-2017

The committee of families of political prisoners in the West Bank demanded the Palestinian Authority (PA) to immediately release all of their imprisoned sons and to halt the policy of political arrest and summonses as well as the violation of freedoms as a gesture of goodwill to the Palestinian reconciliation.

In a statement on Tuesday the committee also called for stopping the prosecution of activists and pressmen as well as the enforcement of the Electronic Crimes Law which has been recently enacted by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

The committee slammed the PA for the latest arrest campaign and pointed out that it has documented over 80 cases of arrest and 210 summonses since the beginning of the month. Some of the detainees were subjected to torture and hospitalized as a result. Many prisoners waged open hunger strikes in the PA jails in protest at being detained illegally.

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