Fri 20-September-2024

Family of Palestinian sick prisoner appeals for his release

Tuesday 13-February-2007

NABLUS (pic)– The family of Ismail Al-Jammal who is held in Israeli prisons for three years now on Tuesday addressed an urgent appeal to human rights organizations and the Red Cross to demand his release in view of his worsening health condition.

The family said that Ismail 24 has been held in Israeli jails since 30/1/2004 and was suffering from bullets’ wounds that were fired at him on his arrest.

Yehya Jammal the brother of the prisoner said that the Israeli prisons authority refuses to extend proper treatment to Ismail who was sentenced to ten years in jail despite his need for an urgent surgery.

Meanwhile Israeli occupation police on Tuesday arrested more than 50 Palestinian Jerusalemites at the pretext of taking part in demonstrations last Friday against the Israeli excavations at the Aqsa Mosque.

The police statement said that the arrests were made based on photos taken for the demonstrators by cameras fixed in the Aqsa vicinity and on intelligence information.

It said that 71 Palestinians were so far arrested in Jerusalem for the same reason and that indictment lists would be presented against them within the few coming days.

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Tuesday released Palestinian MP Ahmed Mubarak after seven months in administrative detention without trial or charge.

The Israeli military court in Ofer turned down a request by the Israeli military prosecution to extend his detention for six more months that was tabled at the pretext that he was a Hamas member and posed danger on security.

Mubarak was arrested in July last year in the wake of the Palestinian resistance’s capture of IOF serviceman Gilad Shalit in the Gaza Strip. The IOA arrested more than 40 MPs and ministers last summer who are still held in occupation jails.

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