Mon 8-July-2024

Fatah delegation to arrive in Cairo to discuss reconciliation

Sunday 29-July-2018

Fatah said that a senior delegation of the movement is set to arrive in Cairo Sunday to discuss the Palestinian reconciliation with Egyptian officials.

Fatah official Munir al-Jaghoub said in a statement that the delegation will discuss on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas Fatah’s vision on the reconciliation.

Al-Jaghoub said that the delegation includes members of Fatah’s Central Committee Hussein al-Sheikh Azzam al-Ahmad and Rawhi Fattouh in addition to the head of the PA General Intelligence Service Majed Faraj.

During the meeting of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee on Saturday Abbas said that the delegation sent to Cairo will convey Fatah’s clear position on the reconciliation.

Also UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov will be present in Cairo Sunday to meet with Egyptian officials and discuss the Palestinian situation especially in the Gaza Strip.

Head of Hamas’s Political Bureau Ismail Haneyya on 19th July informed the Egyptian Intelligence Minister Abbas Kamel that his movement had accepted the reconciliation paper prepared by Cairo. However Fatah said that Cairo’s vision is incomplete.

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